We are proud to announce New Phoebe House Association has been awarded a $5,000 grant from International Paper’s Tacoma Mill and the International Paper Foundation. Funds will support Phoebe Kids Play – an element within the Phoebe Family Recovery, Reunification and Resiliency Program. The funds are earmarked for material and supplies that directly relate to the wellbeing, health, and wellness related activities for Phoebe Children.
The grant will support our curriculum for trauma reduction and preventions, art, music, and play items, and other materials used on a daily basis to provide skills training and bonding experiences.
The International Paper Foundation is one of the ways International Paper strives to reach its vision to be among the most successful, sustainable and responsible companies in the world. Started in 1952, the foundation annually provides millions in grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to address critical needs in the communities where its employees live and work. Funding priority is given to programs related to its signature causes: education, hunger, health & wellness, disaster relief, and initiatives that improve the planet. For more information, visit ipgiving.com.