Those of you who have known New Phoebe House for a long time may or may not know Donna. Donna has been our finance manager (and then some) for over 7 years. Originally on our Board of Directors, we are grateful for the moment she joined the staff. Donna selflessly volunteered for her first year as staff at NPHA. Since then, she has helped us grow in so many ways – assisting our Executive Director with the delicate dance of government reporting, improving our books, and even helping us keep afloat in dire times. Her skill and attention to detail earned us the highest remarks from the funders auditing our organization.
This month, Donna retired from New Phoebe House. Donna would never expect us to sing her praises here, nor would she have expected the retirement celebration we threw for her. She has always been very humble, concerned only with the greater success of New Phoebe House. She has been a great member of our staff, and we will most certainly miss having her on our team.
We could go on and on singing Donna’s praises, but we will close by saying we wish Donna all the best in her retirement. You deserve it!